This post is another in my ongoing blog series that acknowledges the ancestral lands on which the National Archives’ buildings are situated across the country. This series of acknowledgements is a simple way to offer our recognition and respect to the people who once lived on these lands.
The National Archives’ Dayton Federal Records Center and Kingsridge Federal Records Center, are located in Dayton, Ohio, which is situated on the ancestral lands of Kaskaskia peoples.
“Although the Kaskaskia natives did not live in great numbers in Ohio, they, like other tribes with claims to Ohio land, were forced to sign the Treaty of Greenville (1795) and relinquished their claims to land in the majority of present-day Ohio.” from Ohio Central

Enter your address in this interactive map of Traditional Native Lands to see who once lived where you are now.
My thanks to Allison Cutuk, Assistant Director, Kingsridge-FRC, Saundra Coleman, Archives Technician, Kingsridge-FRC, and Aaron Sipes, Supervisory Archives Specialist, Dayton-FRC, for the research and information they provided for this post.
For Additional Information:
- Treaty of Greenville 1795 - NARA’s digital copy of the Treaty of Greenville 1795:
- Popular points of interest within 25 miles include:
– SunWatch Indian Village which is an archeological park/village recreation:
– Fort Ancient State Memorial: Native American hilltop enclosure:
– Miamisburg Mound Ancient burial mound: