Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I celebrated Independence Day in the most spectacular way. I wasn’t really prepared for how amazing the day would be. I felt proud and honored to be the Archivist of the United States. I was truly moved by the enthusiasm of the crowds lined up along Constitution Avenue to cheer as our float went by, and those streaming into the National Archives building until 8:00 p.m. to see the Declaration of Independence.

It was a full day of events at the National Archives Building, which included a ride down Constitution Ave on our first ever National Archives float, and wrapped up the day watching fireworks set to the 1812 Overture.


David Ferriero, Congressman Lacy Clay, and Thomas Jefferson
Aboard the National Archives Float on July 4, 2010
(Photo courtesy of Trevor Plante, National Archives)

Congressman Lacy Clay and Thomas Jefferson joined me on the National Archives float and a group of enthusiastic NARA employees escorted us down Constitution Ave. Many thanks to those NARA employees who walked proudly along the parade route, including: Chidinma Achebe, Ann Baker, Nick Baric, Bianaca Black, Rick Blondo, Rita Cacas, Jason Clingerman, Stephanie Coon, Evan Coren, Cathy Farmer, Barbara Gordon, Steven Haversack, Heidi Holmstorm, Darrell Jackson, Thomas Jenkins, Megan Jones, Mary Knill, Denise LeBeck, John Legloahec, Carrie McGuire, Bryan Oklin, Alfie Paul, Rebecca Sams, and Roger Wilson.

The day was also special because we unveiled our new National Archives logo. It was prominently featured on the banner in the front of our float.


The new logo was designed by our own Rania Hassan and was inspired by the classical architecture and sculptural detail of the National Archives Building. The eagle with its wings displayed symbolizes protection and NARA’s role as guardian of our nation’s records. I hope you join me in celebrating the importance of this new look for the National Archives.

It’s also time for our website to get a new look. We appreciate your thoughts and opinions on our redesign for Archives.gov. Time is short, so vote on your favorite design at http://archivesgovredesign.ideascale.com.

On Sunday, it was amazing to hear the cheers and huzzahs from the crowd along the parade route.  I know the crowd really does care about the National Archives. Vote to help us make Archives.gov worthy of the American people.


3 thoughts on “Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

  1. The new logo looks modern and a great choice.

    I vote for Design D. Well layed out and inclusive–if you add the foundintg documeents site, too.

    Alan Thompson
    (NND before i retired)

  2. I vote for Design D it look more professional & clean. also have wide page for huge data. its Design d Rocks

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