Thanks to the generous donation from an anonymous donor, NARA collaborated with our digitization partner to launch the Indigenous Digital Archive’s Treaties Portal on Indigenous People’s Day, October 12, 2020. This website provides public access to digital copies of NARA’s series of ratified Indian Treaties. We worked with Dr. Anna Naruta-Moya and her team at … Continue reading National Archives and Museum of Indian Arts & Culture Share New Online Education Tool Expanding Access to Treaties between the U.S. and Native Nations
Author: dferriero
Five-Year Social Media Strategy Released
The National Archives and Records Administration released a new, streamlined social media strategy this week, with a focus on creating more engaging digital content and increasing participation by staff in the spectrum of online platforms. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2021 and spanning the coming five years, the National Archives aims to expand digital storytelling and … Continue reading Five-Year Social Media Strategy Released
The Electoral College: It’s a Process, Not a Place
The Electoral College is how we refer to the process by which the United States elects the President, even though that term does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. In this process, the States (which includes the District of Columbia just for this process) elect the President and Vice President. The Constitution of the United … Continue reading The Electoral College: It’s a Process, Not a Place
Meet Ike
“I come from the very heart of America.” – Dwight Eisenhower, June 12, 1945 At a time when the world fought to overcome tyranny, he helped lead the course to victory as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. When our nation needed a leader, he upheld the torch of liberty as our 34th president. As … Continue reading Meet Ike
Welcome to the New ClintonLibrary.Gov!
The National Archives’ Presidential Libraries and Museums preserve and provide access to the records of 14 presidential administrations. In support of this mission, we developed an ongoing program to modernize the technologies and designs that support the user experience of our Presidential Library websites. Through this program, we have updated the websites of the Hoover, … Continue reading Welcome to the New ClintonLibrary.Gov!
Democratizing Access to our Records
The National Archives has a big, hairy audacious strategic goal to provide public access to 500 million digital copies of our records through our online Catalog by FY24. When we first announced this goal in 2010, we had less than a million digital copies in the Catalog and getting to 500 million sounded to some … Continue reading Democratizing Access to our Records
Heroes Work Here
The National Archives is home to an abundance of remarkable records that chronicle and celebrate the rich history of our nation. It is a privilege to be Archivist of the United States—to be the custodian of our most treasured documents and the head of an agency with such a unique and rewarding mission. But it … Continue reading Heroes Work Here
Commemorating the 19th Amendment Centennial
Today’s post comes from Debra Steidel Wall, Deputy Archivist of the United States and Commissioner on the Congressional Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission. As the home of the 19th Amendment, the National Archives invites you to join our virtual commemoration of the centennial of the Constitutional amendment that guaranteed that "The right of citizens of the … Continue reading Commemorating the 19th Amendment Centennial
Celebrate July 4th Online with the National Archives!
On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress voted to adopt a resolution of independence, declaring the United States independent from Great Britain. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved. While John Adams originally recognized July 2, 1776 as “the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America,” he envisioned future celebrations … Continue reading Celebrate July 4th Online with the National Archives!
Founders Online Celebrates Seventh Anniversary
Seven years ago, we launched Founders Online. In partnership with the University of Virginia Press’s Rotunda electronic imprint and documentary edition projects, we made a freely accessible and searchable online resource for people to read the papers of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. At the … Continue reading Founders Online Celebrates Seventh Anniversary