This is a story about valuing the hard work that has come before us and thinking innovatively about how we can share that hard work in new ways, using new and emerging digital platforms. Back in 2006, we launched a short feature on our website, which we called Today’s Document. We featured a particular document … Continue reading Making Access Happen in the Digital Era
Author: dferriero
Join us for July 4th at the National Archives!
This year, the National Archives celebrates the 243rd anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence with special events in Washington, DC, and at Presidential Libraries nationwide. On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence, declaring the United States independent from Great Britain. On July 4, 1776, … Continue reading Join us for July 4th at the National Archives!
19th Annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards
Last week I hosted our annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards Ceremony, an event I look forward to each year. This ceremony is important to me and gives me the opportunity to highlight the achievements of our staff across the National Archives. But more importantly, it gives me the chance to say thank you. Incredible work happens … Continue reading 19th Annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards
Rightfully Hers exhibit now open
The National Archives launched our newest exhibit, Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote, last week at the Lawrence O’Brien Gallery of the museum in Washington, DC. Most Americans consider the ability to vote fundamental to the enjoyment of full citizenship. American women, however, were long denied that right. In 1920, American democracy dramatically expanded … Continue reading Rightfully Hers exhibit now open
NARA’s Past, Present, and Future Leadership in SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context): Always Collaborating, Always Cooperating
As SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context) looks toward the end of its Phase II development, NARA’s External Agency Liaisons to SNAC, Jerry Simmons and Dina Herbert, continue to lead and collaborate in the full spectrum of cooperative activities including outreach and communication, collaborative projects outside NARA, cooperative management with the SNAC Operations Team, technical … Continue reading NARA’s Past, Present, and Future Leadership in SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context): Always Collaborating, Always Cooperating
Declassification Diplomacy: The United States Declassification Project for Argentina
This morning I presented the final tranche of newly-declassified U.S. Government records to Argentine Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the Honorable Germán Carlos Garavano. The ceremony marks the successful completion of the U.S. Declassification Project for Argentina, the largest government-to-government declassification release in United States history. David S. Ferriero (left), delivers the final installment … Continue reading Declassification Diplomacy: The United States Declassification Project for Argentina
Special Document Display: Emancipation Proclamation
The National Archives marks the 156th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation with a special 3-day display of the original document. The National Archives will display the Emancipation Proclamation in the museum’s East Rotunda Gallery from April 14 through 16, coinciding with the anniversary of Lincoln’s death on April 15. Concurrently, the District of Columbia Compensated … Continue reading Special Document Display: Emancipation Proclamation
Modernizing the Proposed Records Schedule Commenting Process
The records management program at the National Archives has been working to build an open and collaborative electronic records management community with federal and industry stakeholders for many years. A key component of this effort has been increasing access to both approved records schedules via the Records Control Schedule portal and making it easier for … Continue reading Modernizing the Proposed Records Schedule Commenting Process
Happy Sunshine Week 2019!
Each year, Sunshine Week honors and promotes a dialogue about the importance of open government and access to information—values that are central to the mission of the National Archives and Records Administration. I can’t think of a better place to be celebrating Sunshine Week than here at the National Archives, because we not only contribute, … Continue reading Happy Sunshine Week 2019!
Remembering “Remembering Vietnam”
Our exhibit commemorating the Vietnam War closed last week after a 15-month run in our Lawrence F. O’Brien Gallery. We used the records in our holdings as well as interviews with historians, American and Vietnamese military and civilians to describe twelve critical episodes in the Vietnam War from Truman Sides with France (1946-53) to the … Continue reading Remembering “Remembering Vietnam”